Well it's happened again. Another Texas ice storm although this one has been very severe. Loss of power, loss of branches and even the loss of some trees. It's been hard to deal with. Our hearts go out to all those affected by this.
We were blessed with another successful gathering at the Y on February 6th 2023. We had a pretty good turn out and lunch consisted of hot breakfast tacos, croissants and soft drinks. We handed out some sleeping bags, hygiene bags and some resupplies to those who needed them. We were happy to hear that no one we know was hit by falling branches or trees. Most of the camps took some pretty hard beating but that can be fixed.
We will be working with our brother Andrew Christensen and some of his honor society members on a future endeavor at the Y. A specail shout out to Dripping Spring HEB and Home Depot for some needed supplies for the homeless

Saturday 2/25/23 Katrina Sherman and some of the girls from DSUMC youth group came and helped make bags for the homeless and organized our homeless supplies. They were a tremendous help and we would like to thank them very much!
