About Us
There are many causes of homelessness, loss of family, loss of a job, depression, loss of self worth, poor decisions, addictions, untreated mental illness. and physical disabilities. Once a person becomes homeless it is very possible for them to lose their dignity and self worth. Feeling apart from society and unloved their lives tend to spiral into despair. It doesn't have to be this way!
Hi, my name is Wesley Tullai and I am the founder of Heading Home. Heading Home Is a 501C3 charity based in central Texas
. God gave me a vision of a rural place where those looking to end the cycle of addition and homelessness could livein a Godly environment. This place would focus on a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Thru this relationship, counseling, and meaningful work I believe God will break this chain of oppression. We currently do not have the funding to acquire property at this point in time, but we are doing what we can with what we are given.
Over the years we have distributed sleeping bags, blankets, rain tarps, meal gift cards, personal storage totes, and hygiene bags. Since 2019 hundreds of hygiene bags have been distributed by volunteers from area churches on a person to person basis in Austin and the surrounding suburbs and on our trips to the Y at Oak Hill.

The hygiene bags contain a bible, reading glasses, flashlight, 3in1 soap, 2 hand towels, toothbrush, toothpaste, soc, mirror, bath towel, roll of paper towels, 144 wet wipes, chicken snack, tuna snack, and a bottle of water in an HEB recyclable bag.
I have seen people living in cardboard and scrape wood shacks or underneath tarps in the pouring rain and in the sweltering heat without a way to keep dry or cool off. I've seen the joy in someone's eyes when they received a bag of personal care items. I've seen the disbelief in their faces when they received a tote with a sleeping bag, padded moving blanket, some socks and a tarp. These people are human beings, our brothers and sisters created by our father.
The hygiene bags can be picked up free of charge at the Methodist and Presbyterian churches in Dripping Springs.